The paintings play with the light of a Tango setting, part milonga (the social dance), part stage performance, and a touch of the cosmos. Large paintings have shared the stage with world-reknowned musicians and dancers. Inquiries:
hello@tangomyheart.com | TANGO DRAWING
The nature of charcoal allows for saturated black areas, smoky grays, and striking whites - creating rich shadows and atmospheres suitable for Tango. | PRINTMAKING
Etchings, lithographs, and other print techniques capture the essence of Tango in subtleties of line, color, and touch. Traditonal printmaking includes: etching(drawn on metal), lithography (drawn on stone), relief (drawn on wood), and silkscreen (drawn on fiber), which are processed, inked, and transferred onto paper or other material. Artists choose a technique to produce particular results. The Artist uses traditional and contemporary techniques. Images may be editioned, producing a series of multiple originals, and some are monoprints (one-of-a-kind images that are not editioned.). |